An ESP Program Implementation in the Eyes of the Participants

Suwartono, Suwartono (2006) An ESP Program Implementation in the Eyes of the Participants. Journal Literate, IV (1). ISSN 1693-2455

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The intent of this paper is to call ESP program initiator and instructors for a special attention to the needs of the program participants as the key to success of the program. This paper is based on a research that portrayed the implementation of a English training program for four-semester non-English Department students in Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto and confronted the result with the needs of the program participants. The research used the Goal-Free Evaluation modbl, where, as its label suggests, the focus is what is going on in a program, ignoring the program goal pre-stated by the program initiator. The research has concluded that the English instruction progratn has not exactly matched the participants' needs, which implied failure in the context of ESP

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: ESP, a four-s emes ter English training program, implementation, non-English Department students, program participants, Goal-Free Evaluation
Subjects: Artikel Jurnal
Divisions: Artikel Jurnal
Depositing User: Super Admin Digilib
Date Deposited: 27 Mar 2019 04:35
Last Modified: 27 Mar 2019 04:35

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